Roy Willingham ~ Artist Printmaker and constructor of things


 if I write in here will it show up


Fair Play ~ LOPF 26-29 May 2022

The London Original Print Fair has always been one of the best places to see original prints and after a couple of years being only online this year it is back as a physical presence… and with a new venue which, rumour has it, is even better than the rooms at the Royal Academy.

Somerset House on The Strand is the new venue so if you are an art addict you could also take in the newly revamped Courtauld Gallery although if you’ve made your way round the entire print fair you might be better heading for a cafe to rest your feet.

Naturally I will have some work there but as always it is impossible to say what you will see if you visit as works are sold from the walls so the show is always changing. You will find my work on the RE stand which is W16 (and don’t forget to look in the browsers to see more works)

You can find more information about the fair and book tickets by following this link.