engravings - colour
This page includes both wood and plastic engravings that involve more than one colour.

This page includes both wood and plastic engravings that involve more than one colour.
image size 123 x 45mm
130gsm Somerset W'leaf
edition of 12 wood engraving
£90.00 unframed + P&P
image size 51 x 51mm
145g Zerkall ENE
edition of 14 wood engraving
£80.00 unframed + P&P
Ilfracombe Free-form
image size 135 x 170mm
145g Zerkall ENE
edition of 5 plastic engraving and pochoir
£140.00 unframed + P&P
La calura estiva
image size 50 x 66mm
110g Zerkall Laid
edition of 20 wood engraving & linocut
£120.00 unframed + P&P
Green and Pleasant
image size 65 x 50mm
145gsm Zerkall ENE
edition of 60 wood engraving
£80.00 unframed + P&P